Wireless Sensor Network Projects

WSN routing protocols:
We developed more than 90+ projects with WSN routing protocols and categorized as:
Hierarchical protocol:
To get efficient WSN communication we require sensed data to transmit for sink node which achieved by selecting cluster node:
- Low energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH).
- Hybrid energy efficient distributed clustering (HEED).
- Power efficient gathering in sensor information system (PEGASIS).
- Energy efficient homogeneous clustering.
- Threshold sensitive energy efficient sensor network (TEEN).

Wireless sensor network projects:
We categories wireless sensor network for academic based on location as:
Underwater WSN:It composed of many nodes and vehicular devices. We deploy needed amount of nodes in water.
Terrestrial WSN: It contains various WSN nodes. We provide dependable communication in dense area. By various limitations this network easily lost its battery life.
Multimedia WSN: This WSN is required by audio, video & image based application to track events. By abundant amount of energy usage we transmit signals which create high bandwidth.
Mobile WSN: We provide lot of sensor node which acts as static node. We sense, compute & communicate with other mobile node by vast communication.
Underground WSN: It is positioned in a mine or curve to track environmental conditions.

Challenges Faced in NS3 Vanet Projects:
- Provisioning of QoS.
- Bandwidth consideration.
- Individual privacy among vehicles.
- Security to vehicle.
- High connectivity among network.aMultipath protocol projects:We construct route by single path & multipath routing. In multipath we maintain N- no of little path from source to destination.
- Disjoint path routing protocol.
- Braided paths.
- N to 1 multipath discovery.
Location centric protocol:
By this protocol, we calculate distance among sensor node and estimate energy consumption of each node. We categories this protocol as:
- Geographical & energy aware routing (GEAR).
- Trajectory based fore coding (TBF).
- Geographical random forwarding (GERAF).
- Bounded voroni greedy forwarding (BVGF).
- Small minimum energy communication network (SMECN).
Data centric protocol:
By this protocol, we send data from source to destination node.
- Energy aware data centric routing (EAD).
- Active query forwarding in sensor network (ACQUIRE).
- Directed diffusion.
- Sensor protocol for information via notation (SPIN).
- Rumor routing.
Mobility based protocol:
We implement mobility node in WSN to built route from source to mobility sink node.
- Dynamic proxy tree based data dissemination.
- Scalable energy efficient asynchronous dissemination (SEAD).
- Data rules based protocol.
Future enhancement:
Based a simulation protocol and communication in WSN we provide an efficient solution to solve the various issues in WSN.