Projects in Networking

Mobile Service Discovery Protocol:
We implemented this protocol in more than 85+ projects which uses a dynamic clustering algorithm to gather the nodes in MANET and in peer to peer method which consider Distributed
hash table for efficient cache service. Mobile service discovery protocol form cluster with lightweight clustering algorithm and services discovered by DHT to cluster head. For cluster head selection, it uses lowest ID clustering approach by Mobile service Discovery protocol.
High Efficiency Service Discovery Protocol (HESED):
We use HESED for efficient web service discovery. It works based on multicast query and reply process. All nodes in Ad hoc network gain cache service information. We advertise service by web ontology language. Every service descriptors are cached by service advertisements.
Mobility Factors:
We use and consider various mobility factors are:
- Connectivity – Network node has adjacent nodes neighbor and create more stable cluster head.
- Sustained Duration – network node maintain sustained duration which they form more stable cluster head.
- Moving Direction and Velocity – Network nodes have similar direction and velocity with one another and form stable cluster.
Cluster Head:
To maintain and construct cluster process we use cluster head where stable node selected as cluster head. Cluster head and process are implemented by NS3 simulation. We ensure visualized service for all process in networks.
MANET and Web Service:
We implement MANET mainly in M.Tech projects which composed of various wireless mobile devices to communicate one another without any control. Every node in MANET move freely and frequently changes their directions. For efficient web services we discover protocol in web service environment. In mobile network clustering is a technique to improve scalability of web service discovery in mobile Ad hoc network.
Features of Mobility Based Clustering:
We adopt the following features of mobility based clustering in student projects are:
- Based on cluster characteristics, select the appropriate service discovery scheme.
- By mobile node consideration we construct stable clusters.
- By web service technology, mobile device heterogeneity is overcome.