Where Ns3 is Installed

           Through this article we have depicted the appropriate process storing the installed Ns3 package in the terminal.

           Initially, we have highlighted the process of installing the fundamental libraries through the following commands.

apt install g++ python3

          Next, we have to download the ns-allinone-3.30 in the terminal through the implementation of commands that are mentioned below.

wget http://www.nsnam.org/release/ns-allinone-3.30.tar.bz2

tar xjf ns-allinone-3.30.tar.bz2

Downloading Ns3 Packages

          When it is downloaded we have to store source packages based on ns-allinone-3.30 in Ubuntu home drive for the installation process.

Location of Ns3 Packages

          Following that, we have to install the ns-allinone-3.30 through the following comments.

sudo ./build.py

Installation of Ns3 Packages

           Consequently, we have to configure and validate the ns-allinone-3.30 package while executing the below mentioned commands.

sudo ./waf configure

sudo  ./test.py

Verification of Ns3 Installation

           Through this article we have given you a very broad picture about installation of network simulator 3. In addition, reach us to fulfill all your research requirements with the support of our research experts.