What is the Use of Ns3

              In general, network simulator 3 is functional in various real time processes and this article is about the depiction of the highlights of ns3 utilization.

Uses of Ns3

             The network simulator 3 is enhanced for the provision of various processes such as,

  • Education project
  • Networking Research
  • Extensible and open network simulation platform

New Module Creation in Ns3

             Additionally, we have to create the proposal process through the new modules in network simulator 3 and that is functional through implementation of the below mentioned commands.

cd /home/research/ns-allinone-3.27/ns-3.27/src
sudo ./create-module.py ProposalModule
Creation of New Module in Ns3

New Module Configuration in Ns3

               As well, we have to execute the below mentioned commands to configure and update the new modules.

cd /home/research/ns-allinone-3.27/ns-3.27/
sudo ./waf configure
Configuration of New Module in Ns3

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