Tag Archive: 'ns3 documentation'

Mobile Energy Sharing Networks: Performance Analysis and Optimization

Energy is a scarce resource in wireless communications and mobile networking. In this paper, a novel concept of mobile energy sharing networks is proposed to enhance the energy usage of wirelessnetworks. In such networks, mobile users can share energy with one another when they move and meet, thus minimizing the chances of ending up with insufficient energy for their […]

Sharpening Analytic Focus to Cope with Big Data Volume and Variety

The growing volumes of time-stamped data available from sensors, social media sources, Web logs, and medical histories present remarkable opportunities for researchers and policy analysts. Although big data resources can provide valuable insights to help us understand complex systems and lead to better decisions for business, national security, cybersecurity, and healthcare, there are many challenges to dealing with […]

Adaptive ubiquitous mobile gaming system for youth obesity rehabilitation

Obesity is one of the rise and among the top health risk factors in the world affecting people of all ages. It can lead to many problems including increased risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, functional limitations, and disabilities which adversely affect the social and physical abilities of the obese person in daily affairs. While the rising trend […]

Comparison of ranking algorithms with dataspace

With increased in digitization the amount of homogeneous, unstructured, semi-structured, structured or heterogeneous data being created and stored is exploding is collectively called “Dataspace”. Data being generated from various heterogeneous sources like, digital images, audio, video, online transactions, online social media, data from sensor nodes, click streams for different domains including, retails, medical, healthcare, energy, and day to day […]

A review on Big Data and its security

Big data as name implies that data that’s in large as nature, is known as big data. Big data is used to describe a large volume of structure way. Big Data concern large-amount, complex, growing data sets with multiple, autonomous sources, networking, data storage, and data collection capacity, These data are rapidly expanding in all science […]

Enhanced ANTSEC framework with cluster based cooperative caching in mobile ad hoc networks

In a mobile ad hoc network (MANET), communication between mobile nodes occurs without centralized control. In this environment the mobility of a node is unpredictable; this is considered as a characteristic of wireless networks. Because of faulty or malicious nodes, the network is vulnerable to routing misbehavior. The resource constrained characteristics of MANETs leads to increased query […]

Ensuring privacy in opportunistic networks using dynamic clustering

Opportunistic networks are type of challenged mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETs). In Opportunistic Networks (OppNets), mobile devices send out the messages by exploiting the unswerving contacts, without the requisite of an end-to-end communications. In such a system, nodes are sporadic and there does not subsist an ample path from source to destination customarily. The message forwarding […]

Towards analysing the effects of node mobility on the accuracy of Wi-Fi triangulation

The increased popularity of wireless networks has enabled the development of Location Based Service (LBS) techniques that rely on wireless signal strength. These techniques are being used extensively in military, healthcare, industrial and other environments in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs). In some networks, it is important to keep track […]

A two-level multicast routing strategy for delay tolerant networks

Delay Tolerant Networks (DTNs) are sparse mobile ad-hoc networks in which there is typically no complete path between the source and destination. Multicast is an important group communication paradigm that is required by many potential DTN applications, such as data dissemination during military and rescue operations. While multicasting has been studied extensively in the context […]

Effect of Mobility on the Outage and BER Performances of Digital Transmissions over Nakagami-m Fading Channels

The outage probability and average bit error rate (BER) of wireless digital systems in a Nakagami-m fading environment have been well analyzed in the literature. Most of the analysis considers static wireless terminals in which the received signal power follows a gamma distribution. However, many mobile and ad-hoc networks (MANETs) comprise of mobile receiving nodes […]