Tag Archive: 'ns2 ns3'
Energy is a scarce resource in wireless communications and mobile networking. In this paper, a novel concept of mobile energy sharing networks is proposed to enhance the energy usage of wirelessnetworks. In such networks, mobile users can share energy with one another when they move and meet, thus minimizing the chances of ending up with insufficient energy for their […]
The growing size of cities and increasing population mobility have determined a rapid increase in the number of vehicles on the roads, which has resulted in many challenges for road traffic management authorities in relation to traffic congestion, accidents, and air pollution. Over the recent years, researchers from both industry and academia have been focusing […]
Obesity is one of the rise and among the top health risk factors in the world affecting people of all ages. It can lead to many problems including increased risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, functional limitations, and disabilities which adversely affect the social and physical abilities of the obese person in daily affairs. While the rising trend […]
A smart city aims to improve urban functions and provided services, being often perceived as a living urban fabric, in which connected urban citizens, acting as active sensors, have the capacity to contribute even more efficiently to the spatial intelligence of cities. This “immaterial” dimension is related with the need that smart cities have to assess […]
Big data as name implies that data that’s in large as nature, is known as big data. Big data is used to describe a large volume of structure way. Big Data concern large-amount, complex, growing data sets with multiple, autonomous sources, networking, data storage, and data collection capacity, These data are rapidly expanding in all science […]
A desired capability in military operations is the reliable and efficient sharing of Situational Awareness (SA) data at the tactical edge network. Many implementations of SA sharing in the literature use frequent broadcasts of SA messages in order to provide an up-to-date and comprehensive operating picture to all nodes. However, SA sharing may result in […]
Opportunistic networks are type of challenged mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETs). In Opportunistic Networks (OppNets), mobile devices send out the messages by exploiting the unswerving contacts, without the requisite of an end-to-end communications. In such a system, nodes are sporadic and there does not subsist an ample path from source to destination customarily. The message forwarding […]
With the advent of wireless communication networks and the new generation of smartphones, the access to data transmission networks has become possible anywhere at any time. Today, a group of users can gather in a dynamic manner and set up their own ad hoc communication networks and share geolocalization information thought Global Position System (GPS). […]
Delay Tolerant Networks (DTNs) are sparse mobile ad-hoc networks in which there is typically no complete path between the source and destination. Multicast is an important group communication paradigm that is required by many potential DTN applications, such as data dissemination during military and rescue operations. While multicasting has been studied extensively in the context […]
The Virtual Node Layer (VNLayer) is a clusterbased approach to handle communications in mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs), furnishing an abstraction of fixed geographical regions served by virtual nodes as a means to tackle the challenges raised by the mobility of the physical nodes. Several studies have proved that the VNLayer constructs can be applied to […]