Projects on Networking

Directed Diffusion Based Clustering:
We implement this clustering called directed diffusion based clustering is an energy efficient directed diffusion routing protocol which works on to reduce network topology through clustering process. It maintains the cluster information with original packet structure. It eliminates the redundant message in flooding to enhance energy efficiency in clustering process.
Data Aggregation Algorithm Based on AACS:
In wireless sensor network, data aggregation is important factor for energy efficient issues. We used data aggregation in more than 85+ WSN Projects to find minimum Steiner Tree with source node and sink node. This algorithm works on the basis of Adaptive Ant Colony System (AACS) which used to deliver interact message. AACS are implemented to build minimum Steiner tree. We use this algorithm to reduce network energy consumption with long spin network lifetime.
VANET projects:
We provide a technology called GPSR Routing in Vanet to enhance safe drive and proper network services among users. Every node in Vanet has mobility which changes network topology dynamically. We use vanet GPSR for reliable and efficient routing process. The working process is described as follows:
- Special hello packet is designed with one hop neighbor vehicle inside a transmission range.
- Buffer and data reforward schemes are utilized to solve local maximum problem in network.
- Set priority for current vehicles with one hop neighbor which ensure to avoid traffic and velocity are taken into account.

Wi-Max projects:
To access data with high mobility and speed the wireless device called Wi-max. To enhance resource optimization with high throughput and low complexity we use scheduling algorithm which adopted from Elsevier Paper in Wi-Max. We also implement uplink scheduling algorithm which composed of various stations with virtual frame and it enhance bandwidth and resource in network.