The graphical network simulator is abbreviated as open source software to simulate the complex networks that are adjacent with the possibility of real network performance. In addition, it is consider as the dedicated network hardware like switches and routers.

What Does GNs3 Do?

          While comparing GNs3 with other network simulator programs such as Boson NetSim and RouterSim, the users can utilize the Cisco IOS image for the specifications of backend hypervisor software over the network simulator program. The functions of this process include the utilization of real Cisco router in computer with GNs3.

          We describe all the above mentioned information about the implementation process of GNs3 while defining the research projects in Ns3 simulator projects. To get more knowledge for your Ns3 simulator projects, contact us. Let us discuss the significance about in the GNs3 converter modules while creating the projects, in the following.

GNs3 Converter Modules for Creating Project

  • utils
  • It is used to fix the windows path’s and linux path to remain unaltered with the parameters such as
  • Parameter
  • path (str) is the path that is fixed
  • Returns
  • It is the fixed path
  • Return type
  • str
  • topology
  • It is used in the process of topology such as
  • get_qemus()
  • 0 JSON Topology
  • Bases: builtins.object
  • class gns3converter.topology.JSONTopology
  • node
  • It is deployed to create the nodes and with the parameters such as
  • Parameters
  • port_id (int)
  • starting port ID for this node
  • hypervisor
  • Hypervisor
  • Adding several items and devices towards the node with the parameters including
  • device (dict)
  • Dictionary containing items
  • item (str)
  • Item key
  • models
  • It is the convenience model to build the model matrix that are organized over the elements such as
  • Chassis
  • Model
  • It includes the elements such as
  • Type
  • Ports
  • main.copy
  • It is deployed to copy the images that are converted topology through the utilization of parameters
  • Parameters
  • target (str)
  • Target topology files directory
  • images
  • Images to copy
  • source (str)
  • Old topology directory
  • Returns
  • It is true when image is not found
  • Return type
  • Bool
  • main
  • It is based on the process such as
  • Target
  • Configs
  • Source
  • It is used in the converted topology through the parameters such as
  • Parameters
  • target (str)
  • Target topology files directory
  • configs
  • Configs to copy
  • source (str)
  • Source topology directory
  • Returns
  • It is true when config is not found
  • Return type
  • Bool
  • interfaces
  • It is considered as the provision of interface that includes
  • ETHSWINT_RE to match the Ethernet switch port based on .net topology
  • INTERFACE_RE to match the interface in .net topology
  • It includes the base interface class such as
  • Parameters
  • port_id as the starting point
  • adapters
  • It is about the convenience module which is considered as the adapter that contains
  • Port type conversions
  • Long
  • Short
  • Adapter and port number type matrix

              With any one of these GNs3 converter modules in Ns3 simulator as the base, we help you to develop your Ns3 simulator projects. Simultaneously, we are searching for the recent methods for algorithm procedure, and mathematical equations with the appropriate explanation to provide effective research project based on Ns3 simulator. We review your research work multiple times and we give you the best PhD topics for your research. Now, let us take a glance over the highlights about the short note of console window commands in the Ns3 simulator projects.

Console Window Commands in GNs3

  • ver
  • It is used to print the credits and versions of Dynagen
  • stop
  • Used to stop the router
  • shell
  • While the line starts with !, it passes the commands to system shell
  • resume
  • It is used to resume the router that is already suspended
  • push
  • It is deployed to push the router for configuration over the NET file to nvram
  • import
  • It is importing the configuration files over directory
  • help
  • Provides assistance for command
  • exit
  • Existing the console
  • copy
  • It is used to copy the existing topology for the startup topology
  • conf
  • It is used to switch and configure the mode of specific hypervisor
  • telnet
  • It is considered as the console port and similar to the console command
  • start
  • It is deployed to start the router with the utilization of particular pause in seconds among the starting devices
  • send
  • It provides the raw hypervisor command for the Dynamips server such as sending hypervisor version command towards the host named bender
  • reload
  • It is deployed to reload the router
  • no
  • Disproving process of command
  • idlepc
  • It provides the possible idlepc values for router R1
  • filter
  • It is drop out of 50 packets
  • end
  • It is existing the console
  • console
  • It is considered as the connection of control port of router
  • clear
  • It is deployed to clear the mac address table in Ethernet switch
  • suspend
  • It is used to suspend the router
  • show
  • It depicts the mac address table for the Ethernet switch which shows the detailed information about the devices
  • save
  • The router configuration is saved in the NET file
  • py
  • It implements the python commands such as py print namespace.devices
  • list
  • It is listing all the devices
  • hist
  • It is about to print the list of commands which are used
  • export
  • It is to save the configuration files of directory
  • cpuinfo
  • It is to show off the cpu data of router
  • confreg
  • It is deployed to set the configuration of register value
  • capture
  • It is to start the data packets with the interface that are captured over the Ethernet interface

GNs3 Projects

         The projects based on GNs3 are deployed to combine both the real and virtual devices for the simulation of complex networks. In addition, GNs3 is considered as the significant network emulator and an open source. It is used for various processes such as troubleshoot, test, configure and emulate both the real and virtual network. There might be the variations in the scale over the small topology to large scale. It includes some category and they are enlisted in the following.

  • Multi-vendor environments
  • Customized topologies
  • VRL images
  • NX-OSv and ASAv
  • IOSv, IOSvL2, and IOS-XRv
  • CSR1000v
  • Hypervisors
  • ESXi and fusion
  • VMware player
  • VMware workstation
  • Virtualbox
  • Multiple switching
  • NM-ESW16 Ether switch
  • IOU and IOL Layer 2

         You can find massive resources for all the above research processes in GNs3. We are well experienced in guiding research scholars with the best Ns3 simulator projects for the past 20+ years. You can choose us to improve any of the above research process or you can also come up with any novel ideas of yours. Our team of research experts with us is always ready to help you in any of the research topics to develop the Ns3 simulator projects.

Thesis Topics in Ns3 Simulation

  • Analyzing generic routing encapsulation (GRE) and IP security (IPSec) tunneling protocols for secured communication over public networks
  • Efficient approach for optimization in traffic engineering for multiprotocol label switching
  • Development of software defined mesh network emulator Testbed for DDoS defence study
  • FlexPool: A distributed model free deep reinforcement learning algorithm for joint passengers and goods transportation
  • Remote code execution using ICMP modified structured storage covert channels without elevation of privileges

          Moreover, our research and development team have years of run through in handling the research assistance along with the supporting research methodologies, algorithms and technologies. As a matter of fact, our research professionals always think out of the box in designing appropriate research notion and methods with the accurate results. So, the research scholars can reach us to aid more.