Installation Ns3

           Through this article our research professionals have highlighted the significance about the installation of network simulator 3 along with the step by step process.

          Firstly, the ns-3-allinone has to be downloaded through the implementation of following commands and as the result ns3 packages will download. The commands are highlighted below.

mkdir repos

cd repos

git clone

Downloading Ns-3-Allinone
Location of Downloaded Ns3

         As the next process, we have to download ns-3.30 through the execution of following commands in the terminal.

./ -n ns-3.30

Finally, Ns-3.30 will be installed over the implementation of command that is highlighted below.

sudo  ./waf configure

sudo  ./waf build

Installation of Ns-3.30

          The research scholars can contact us, when you guys face any issues while installing Ns3 in your system.