Install Contiki
Are you guys want to know about the installation of Contiki packages? Then, you guys have to check out this article to know about the significant process of installing Contiki OS.
Step: 1 Install Contiki
We have to install the packages based Contiki through the execution of the below mentioned commands in the terminal.
sudo apt install build-essential doxygen git curl wireshark python-serial srecord rlwrap autoconf automake libxmu-dev gcc-msp430 default-jdk ant openjdk-11-jdk

Step: 2 Verification of Contiki Installation
Consequently, we have to verify the Contiki packages that are already installed based on the Cooja tools over the implementation of the commands that are highlighted in the following.
cd /home/research/contiki-2.7/tools/cooja
ant run

As a result, the research scholars can join hands with our well equipped research professionals to get to know various processes in the Contiki and Cooja and that leads the research scholars to succeed in their research career.