How to Begin Implement Network Asset Management in NS3

To implement the Network Asset Management in NS3 that needs to detect, monitor, handle the network resources like nodes, links, and applications. It can contain inventorying resources, observing its utilization, and executing mechanisms for effective resource allocation and management.

Below is a methodical approach to execute and examine the Network Asset Management using ns3:

Steps to Begin Implement Network Asset Management in NS3

  1. Understand Network Asset Management
  • Purpose: Network Asses Management focuses on network resources and makes sure its best usage.
  • Key Components:
    • Asset Inventory: Nodes, links, protocols, and applications.
    • Management Policies: Allocation, reallocation, or prioritization.
    • Resource Monitoring: Bandwidth, memory, CPU, and application states.
  1. Set Up ns3
  • We should install and set up ns3 on the system:

./waf configure –build-profile=debug –enable-examples –enable-tests

./waf build

  • Confirm the installation:

./waf –run hello-simulator

  1. Define Management Requirements
  • Inventory: Log network topology and connected sets up.
  • Utilization Monitoring: Monitor the bandwidth, packet flow, node availability, and so on.
  • Policies: Execute the policies to assign asset or prioritize it.
  1. Set Up a Basic Network

Make a basic network topology which is like a basis for asset management.

Example: Basic Topology

#include “ns3/core-module.h”

#include “ns3/network-module.h”

#include “ns3/internet-module.h”

#include “ns3/point-to-point-module.h”

#include “ns3/applications-module.h”

using namespace ns3;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])



// Create nodes

NodeContainer nodes;

nodes.Create(3); // Node 0: Client, Node 1: Router, Node 2: Server

// Configure point-to-point links

PointToPointHelper p2p;

p2p.SetDeviceAttribute(“DataRate”, StringValue(“10Mbps”));

p2p.SetChannelAttribute(“Delay”, StringValue(“2ms”));

// Install devices

NetDeviceContainer devices1 = p2p.Install(nodes.Get(0), nodes.Get(1)); // Client to Router

NetDeviceContainer devices2 = p2p.Install(nodes.Get(1), nodes.Get(2)); // Router to Server

// Install Internet stack

InternetStackHelper stack;


// Assign IP addresses

Ipv4AddressHelper address;

address.SetBase(“”, “”);

Ipv4InterfaceContainer interfaces1 = address.Assign(devices1);

address.SetBase(“”, “”);

Ipv4InterfaceContainer interfaces2 = address.Assign(devices2);

// Configure routing


// Set up a UDP echo server on Node 2

uint16_t port = 9;

UdpEchoServerHelper echoServer(port);

ApplicationContainer serverApp = echoServer.Install(nodes.Get(2));



// Set up a UDP echo client on Node 0

UdpEchoClientHelper echoClient(interfaces2.GetAddress(1), port);

echoClient.SetAttribute(“MaxPackets”, UintegerValue(5));

echoClient.SetAttribute(“Interval”, TimeValue(Seconds(1.0)));

echoClient.SetAttribute(“PacketSize”, UintegerValue(1024));

ApplicationContainer clientApp = echoClient.Install(nodes.Get(0));



// Run simulation



return 0;


  1. Implement Asset Inventory
  • Enquire and log node, link, and application data using ns3 APIs.

Example: Inventory Nodes and Links

void LogNodeDetails(NodeContainer nodes)


for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nodes.GetN(); ++i)


Ptr<Node> node = nodes.Get(i);

NS_LOG_UNCOND(“Node ” << i << “:”);

NS_LOG_UNCOND(”  Number of devices: ” << node->GetNDevices());

NS_LOG_UNCOND(”  Number of applications: ” << node->GetNApplications());



Request the function:


  1. Monitor Resource Utilization
  • Monitor the resource usage like bandwidth, packet flow, and application activity to leverage tracing or FlowMonitor.

Example: Packet Monitoring

void PacketSentCallback(Ptr<const Packet> packet)


NS_LOG_UNCOND(“Packet sent at: ” << Simulator::Now().GetSeconds() << ” seconds”);


void InstallPacketMonitoring(NodeContainer nodes)


for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nodes.GetN(); ++i)


Ptr<NetDevice> device = nodes.Get(i)->GetDevice(0);

device->TraceConnectWithoutContext(“MacTx”, MakeCallback(&PacketSentCallback));



Connect the monitoring function:


Use FlowMonitor for Comprehensive Tracking

#include “ns3/flow-monitor-helper.h”

FlowMonitorHelper flowmonHelper;

Ptr<FlowMonitor> monitor = flowmonHelper.InstallAll();

Serialize FlowMonitor outcomes:

monitor->SerializeToXmlFile(“asset-monitoring.xml”, true, true);

  1. Implement Management Policies
  • For asset allocation or prioritization, we need to integrate the rules.

Example: Traffic Prioritization (QoS)

TrafficControlHelper tch;


QueueDiscContainer qdiscs = tch.Install(devices2); // Apply on Router to Server link

  1. Run and Test
  • Construct the script and run the simulation:

./waf –run scratch/asset-management

  • Confirm logs, FlowMonitor output, or console results for making sure that assets are properly monitored and handled.
  1. Enhance Asset Management
  • To improve the network asset management, we can incorporate:
    • Dynamic Resource Allocation: During simulation modify rules according to the usage.
    • Visualizations: Import information into external tools such as gnuplot or Python for detailed analysis.
    • Failure Handling: Replicate and reply to the link/node failures.

Example: Dynamic Policy Adjustment

void AdjustPolicy()


NS_LOG_UNCOND(“Adjusting resource allocation at ” << Simulator::Now().GetSeconds() << ” seconds”);

// Implement policy changes here


Simulator::Schedule(Seconds(5.0), &AdjustPolicy);

  1. Analyze and Optimize
  • Estimate the metrics to leverage monitoring data:
    • Bandwidth usage.
    • Packet loss or delays.
    • Node or link utilization.
  • Refine strategies for effectiveness and better performance analysis.

We have conducted implementation for Network Asset Management using a methodical step-by-step approach within NS3 environment. More innovative insights and concepts will be provided in the future.