How to Begin Implement LAN Protocols in NS3

To create a Local Area Network (LAN) a protocol in NS3 has includes the model and incorporates the protocols that perform at the data link layer or above, we are aiming the dependent on detailed LAN protocol. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Steps to Begin Implement LAN Protocols in NS3

Step 1: Understand NS-3 Basics

  • Setup NS-3: Download and setting NS3 from the official NS-3 website.
  • Learn NS-3 Structure: Explain by NS-3 modules such as Nodes, Devices, Channels, and Helpers.
  • Review Existing Models: Investigate the existing NS-3 components for Ethernet (src/bridge/), Wi-Fi (src/wifi/), and CSMA (src/csma/) to recognize on how the LAN protocols are executed.

Step 2: Define Your LAN Protocol Goals

  • Protocol Type: Define the protocol is different data link layer protocol, a change of Ethernet or Wi-Fi, or something such as VLAN (Virtual LAN) or STP (Spanning Tree Protocol).
  • Scope: Choose whether the protocol functions purely at Layer 2 or interacts by higher layers.
  • Features: Describe the structures such as addressing, packet switching, collision handling, QoS, etc.

Step 3: Study LAN Protocols in NS-3

  • Aspect in the existing LAN-related components in NS-3:
    • Ethernet Bridging: Found in src/bridge/model/.
    • CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection): Found in src/csma/.
    • Wi-Fi: Found in src/wifi/.
  • Study on how NS-3 components have replicate the medium access, packet forwarding, and bridging to guide the execution.

Step 4: Plan Your Protocol Implementation

  1. Protocol Behavior:
    • Describe on how the protocol maintain the frames for sample switching, forwarding, addressing.
    • Require the structures such as broadcast, multicast, or unicast communication.
  2. Integration:
    • Define on how the protocol interacts by existing models such as CSMA or Ethernet.
    • Classify the essential classes and module for instance new channel types, MAC protocols, or packet headers.

Step 5: Set Up Your Protocol

  1. Create a New Directory:
    • Make a directory for below the commands src/ (e.g., src/my-lan-protocol/).
  2. Add Protocol Files:
    • Execute the main logic and helper classes:
      • my-lan-protocol.h and key logic for the protocol.
      • my-lan-helper.h and Helper class for replication scripts.
  3. Update Build System:
    • Alter the wscript file in the src/ directory for contains the protocol.

Step 6: Implement Key Components

  1. Packet and Header Definitions:
    • Express the required custom headers, inheriting from ns3::Header.
    • Apply the serialization/deserialization methods such as Serialize(), Deserialize() and Print().


class MyLanHeader : public ns3::Header {


static ns3::TypeId GetTypeId (void);

virtual TypeId GetInstanceTypeId () const;

void SetSrc (Mac48Address src);

void SetDst (Mac48Address dst);

// Serialization methods

virtual void Serialize (Buffer::Iterator start) const;

virtual uint32_t Deserialize (Buffer::Iterator start);

virtual void Print (std::ostream &os) const;


Mac48Address m_src;

Mac48Address m_dst;


  1. Channel Implementation:
    • Encompass or change existing channel patterns such as CSMA or Wi-Fi to suit the protocol.
  2. Medium Access Control (MAC) Layer:
    • Execute the collision handling, frame queuing, and scheduling.
    • Encompass ns3::NetDevice for custom MAC behavior.


class MyLanMac : public ns3::NetDevice {


// Implement required methods for packet transmission and reception


  1. Frame Handling and Switching Logic:
    • Execute the frame forwarding, collision findings, and handling logic.

Step 7: Write Helper Classes

  • Generate a helper classes to clarify the incorporate in the replication of scripts.
  • Execute the installation functions for protocol on NS-3 nodes.


class MyLanHelper : public Object {


void Install (Ptr<Node> node);


Step 8: Compile and Test

  • Compile the protocol:

./waf configure

./waf build

  • Write test scenarios to validate your protocol under various conditions:
    • Frame Switching: Templates are validated in correctly forwarded.
    • Collision Handling: Replicate and validate collision detection and resolution.

Step 9: Simulate and Analyze

  • Use replication scripts to experiment environments like:
    • It communicates the Node-to-node.
    • The LAN is Multicast or broadcast.
    • VLAN denotes the priority handling (if implemented).
  • Use NS-3 tracing (AsciiTraceHelper, PcapHelper) to gather outcomes for analysis.

Step 10: Document and Extend

  • Document the protocol’s design, execution, and performance metrices.
  • Consider encompassing by advanced features such as:
    • VLANs: Virtual LANs for segmentation.
    • STP: Spanning Tree Protocol designed for loop prevention.
    • QoS: Quality of Service intended for traffic prioritization.

Example: minimal Custom LAN Protocol

Here’s a minimal sample of a custom LAN protocol:

  1. Define a Custom Channel:
    • Build a channel class inheriting from ns3::Channel.
  2. Implement Custom MAC Layer:
    • Encompass the ns3::NetDevice to improve the MAC logic.
  3. Test with Simple Simulation:
    • Write a replication script for make a node, link by the channel, and forwarding validates a frames.

In the presented manual, we demonstrate the comprehensive procedures to simulate and execute the Local Area Network that has implementation procedures explanation and sample snippets were given to execute in ns3 tool. We will issue an additional document for questions related to this project.