How to Begin Implement Centralized Routing in NS3
To begin the Centralized Routing in NS-3 tool has involves the routing protocol in which all routing decisions are create through a centralized controller or node. The various distributed routing protocols for centralized the routing manage a global view for the network topology and calculates the routes for all nodes.
Here’s a step-by-step guide to begin implementing centralized routing in NS-3:
Steps to Begin Implement Centralized Routing in NS3
Step 1: Understand Centralized Routing
- Key Characteristics:
- The central controller has calculates the routes for all nodes in a network.
- Nodes are sending the packets according to the routing decisions are delivered through the controller.
- The gathers the data for controller network topology from the nodes.
- Applications:
- Software Defined Networking (SDN).
- Data center networks.
- Wireless sensor networks by a base station.
- Steps:
- Report the nodes in network topology information for sample neighbor, connection costs for the controller.
- The controller calculates the optimal routes for sample shortest path, load balancing.
- Nodes are install a route has delivered through the controller.
Step 2: Set Up NS-3 Environment
- Create a Protocol Directory:
- Make a new directory below src/, for sample src/centralized-routing/.
- Add Required Files:
- centralized-routing-protocol.h: Header file has a centralized routing protocol.
- estimate the needed file.
- centralized-routing-helper.h and Helper classes.
- Update Build System:
- Change the new module wscript in src/.
Step 3: Design Centralized Routing Protocol
Define the Protocol Class
Encompass the Ipv4RoutingProtocol for execute the centralized routing logic.
Header File (centralized-routing-protocol.h)
#include “ns3/ipv4-routing-protocol.h”
#include “ns3/socket.h”
#include “ns3/timer.h”
#include <map>
#include <vector>
class CentralizedRoutingProtocol : public ns3::Ipv4RoutingProtocol {
static ns3::TypeId GetTypeId (void);
CentralizedRoutingProtocol ();
virtual ~CentralizedRoutingProtocol ();
// Override Ipv4RoutingProtocol methods
virtual ns3::Ptr<ns3::Ipv4Route> RouteOutput (
ns3::Ptr<const ns3::Packet> packet,
const ns3::Ipv4Header &header,
ns3::Ptr<ns3::NetDevice> oif,
ns3::Socket::SocketErrno &sockerr);
virtual bool RouteInput (
ns3::Ptr<const ns3::Packet> packet,
const ns3::Ipv4Header &header,
ns3::Ptr<const ns3::NetDevice> idev,
ns3::UnicastForwardCallback ucb,
ns3::MulticastForwardCallback mcb,
ns3::LocalDeliverCallback lcb,
ns3::ErrorCallback ecb);
void ReceiveTopologyInfo (ns3::Ptr<const ns3::Packet> packet);
void ComputeRoutes ();
void DistributeRoutes ();
struct LinkInfo {
ns3::Ipv4Address neighbor;
uint32_t cost;
ns3::Ipv4Address m_controllerAddress;
std::map<ns3::Ipv4Address, std::vector<LinkInfo>> m_topologyDatabase; // Node -> Neighbors
std::map<ns3::Ipv4Address, ns3::Ipv4Address> m_routingTable; // Destination -> Next Hop
ns3::Timer m_computeTimer; // Timer for periodic route computation
Implement Core Functions
Topology Information Collection
Nodes are forwarding the network topology information such as neighbors and connection costs for the controller.
void CentralizedRoutingProtocol::ReceiveTopologyInfo (ns3::Ptr<const ns3::Packet> packet) {
// Deserialize topology information
ns3::Ipv4Address nodeAddress = …; // Extract node address
std::vector<LinkInfo> links = …; // Extract link information
// Update topology database
m_topologyDatabase[nodeAddress] = links;
// Schedule route computation
m_computeTimer.Schedule (ns3::MilliSeconds (100));
Route Computation
The controller computes the minimum paths using an procedures such as Dijkstra’s.
void CentralizedRoutingProtocol::ComputeRoutes () {
// Dijkstra’s algorithm
std::map<ns3::Ipv4Address, uint32_t> distances;
std::map<ns3::Ipv4Address, ns3::Ipv4Address> previous;
for (const auto &entry : m_topologyDatabase) {
distances[entry.first] = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
distances[m_controllerAddress] = 0;
std::set<ns3::Ipv4Address> visited;
while (visited.size() < m_topologyDatabase.size()) {
ns3::Ipv4Address currentNode = …; // Find the node with the smallest distance
for (const auto &link : m_topologyDatabase[currentNode]) {
uint32_t newDistance = distances[currentNode] + link.cost;
if (newDistance < distances[link.neighbor]) {
distances[link.neighbor] = newDistance;
previous[link.neighbor] = currentNode;
// Build routing table
for (const auto &entry : previous) {
m_routingTable[entry.first] = entry.second;
Route Distribution
Allocate the routes for all nodes are calculated.
void CentralizedRoutingProtocol::DistributeRoutes () {
for (const auto &entry : m_routingTable) {
ns3::Ipv4Address destination = entry.first;
ns3::Ipv4Address nextHop = entry.second;
// Send routing updates to nodes
ns3::Ptr<ns3::Packet> updatePacket = ns3::Create<ns3::Packet> ();
// Serialize routing update information
// …
m_socket->SendTo(updatePacket, 0, ns3::InetSocketAddress(destination, 9999));
Packet Forwarding
Nodes are sending the packets according to the routing table provided through the controller.
ns3::Ptr<ns3::Ipv4Route> CentralizedRoutingProtocol::RouteOutput (
ns3::Ptr<const ns3::Packet> packet,
const ns3::Ipv4Header &header,
ns3::Ptr<ns3::NetDevice> oif,
ns3::Socket::SocketErrno &sockerr) {
ns3::Ptr<ns3::Ipv4Route> route = ns3::Create<ns3::Ipv4Route> ();
if (m_routingTable.find(header.GetDestination()) != m_routingTable.end()) {
} else {
sockerr = ns3::Socket::ERROR_NOROUTETOHOST;
return nullptr;
return route;
Step 4: Write a Helper Class
Facilitate the incorporate for centralized routing in replication scripts.
#include “centralized-routing-protocol.h”
class CentralizedRoutingHelper {
void Install (ns3::NodeContainer nodes, ns3::NodeContainer controller) {
for (auto it = nodes.Begin(); it != nodes.End(); ++it) {
ns3::Ptr<CentralizedRoutingProtocol> protocol = ns3::CreateObject<CentralizedRoutingProtocol>();
// Set the controller for all nodes
Step 5: Write a Simulation Script
Example Simulation Script
#include “ns3/core-module.h”
#include “ns3/network-module.h”
#include “ns3/internet-module.h”
#include “centralized-routing-helper.h”
using namespace ns3;
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
NodeContainer nodes;
nodes.Create (5);
NodeContainer controller;
controller.Create (1);
InternetStackHelper stack;
stack.Install (nodes);
stack.Install (controller);
CentralizedRoutingHelper centralizedHelper;
centralizedHelper.Install(nodes, controller);
// Configure links and addresses
PointToPointHelper p2p;
p2p.SetDeviceAttribute (“DataRate”, StringValue (“10Mbps”));
p2p.SetChannelAttribute (“Delay”, StringValue (“2ms”));
p2p.Install (nodes.Get (0), controller.Get (0));
p2p.Install (nodes.Get (1), controller.Get (0));
// Additional links…
Simulator::Run ();
Simulator::Destroy ();
return 0;
Step 6: Compile and Run
- Build the Protocol:
./waf configure
./waf build
- Run the Simulation:
./waf –run your-script
Step 7: Analyze and Extend
- Analyze with Tracing:
- AsciiTraceHelper and PcapHelper use to authorize the routing behavior.
- Enhance the Protocol:
- Enhance the fault tolerance for controller failures.
- Apply further advanced optimization procedures for route calculation.
We had learned here about how the centralized routing protocol will implemented and executed in ns3 environment. If you have concerns or queries, they will be addressed in a separate manual.