How to Begin Implement an Industrial Internet of Things in NS3
To begin executing an Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) network using ns3, we can create and replicate a system in which industrial devices are interact for improving the manufacturing, automation, and monitoring. IIoT needs certain deliberations such as real-time data, reliability, low latency, and scalability. Below is a structured method to get started:
Steps to Begin Implement an Industrial Internet of Things in NS3
- Set Up ns3 Environment
- Install ns3:
- We can download and install ns3 on the system.
- Confirm the installation by executing the sample simulation script as ./waf –run hello-simulator.
- Install Required Modules:
- Make sure that we have contained required modules for IoT, wireless, and networking within ns3 build like wifi, lte, internet, applications.
- Define IIoT Simulation Objectives
Explore the IIoT simulation goals:
- Communication: Experiment wireless or wired interaction through Wi-Fi, LTE, 6LoWPAN.
- Real-Time Data: Mimic actual data collection and processing.
- Topology: Design the IIoT network’s structure like star, mesh, or hybrid topologies.
- Performance Metrics: Measure the network performance parameters such as latency, packet loss, and energy efficiency.
- Understand IIoT Requirements
IIoT networks contain unique requirements:
- Low Latency: It is essential for real-time observing and control.
- High Reliability: Intended for industrial-grade operations.
- Scalability: It supports a vast amount of devices.
- Interoperability: Apply numerous protocols such as MQTT, CoAP, and so on.
- Choose Communication Technologies
Decide on communication technologies according to the use case:
- Wi-Fi: Designed for high-speed wireless interaction.
- 6LoWPAN: Used for low-power IoT devices.
- LTE/5G: Aimed at wide-area IIoT networks.
- Point-to-Point: Intended for wired industrial networks.
- Set Up the IIoT Topology
- Create Nodes:
- Denote the devices within the IIoT network leveraging NodeContainer.
- Example:
NodeContainer sensors, actuators, gateway;
- Connect Devices:
- Wireless Communication:
WifiHelper wifi;
YansWifiPhyHelper phy = YansWifiPhyHelper::Default();
YansWifiChannelHelper channel = YansWifiChannelHelper::Default();
WifiMacHelper mac;
NetDeviceContainer devices = wifi.Install(phy, mac, sensors);
- Wired Communication:
PointToPointHelper p2p;
p2p.SetDeviceAttribute(“DataRate”, StringValue(“10Mbps”));
p2p.SetChannelAttribute(“Delay”, StringValue(“2ms”));
NetDeviceContainer p2pDevices = p2p.Install(sensors.Get(0), gateway.Get(0));
- Assign IP Addresses:
InternetStackHelper internet;
Ipv4AddressHelper ipv4;
ipv4.SetBase(“”, “”);
Ipv4InterfaceContainer interfaces = ipv4.Assign(devices);
- Install Applications
Replicate IIoT traffic with applications:
- Data Collection:
- Mimic sensors to transmit the data toward the gateway with the support of OnOffApplication or make custom applications.
OnOffHelper onoff(“ns3::UdpSocketFactory”, Address(InetSocketAddress(gatewayAddress, 9)));
onoff.SetAttribute(“DataRate”, StringValue(“500Kbps”));
onoff.SetAttribute(“PacketSize”, UintegerValue(1024));
ApplicationContainer apps = onoff.Install(sensors.Get(0));
- Actuation:
- Replicate the actuators inheriting commands from the gateway.
- Custom Applications:
- For MQTT or CoAP-like protocols, improve a custom application.
- Introduce Mobility (Optional)
If IIoT devices are moveable like robots in a factory then we need to utilize mobility patterns:
MobilityHelper mobility;
Ptr<ConstantPositionMobilityModel> mob = sensors.Get(0)->GetObject<ConstantPositionMobilityModel>();
mob->SetPosition(Vector(10.0, 20.0, 0.0));
- Simulate Data Processing
- Edge Processing:
- Replicate the edge gateways processing data before transmitting it to the cloud.
- Cloud Communication:
- Prolong the simulation with cloud-based processing to utilize LTE or point-to-point connections.
- Run and Analyze Simulation
- Run the Simulation:
- Compile and execute the simulation script as ./waf –run “scratch/my-iiot-network”.
- Log Events:
- Record packet transmission and reception events with NS_LOG.
- Analyze Metrics:
- Estimate the performance indicators such as latency, throughput, packet loss, and energy efficiency.
- Visualize the Network
- NetAnim: It is designed for real-time visualization of IIoT node communications.
- Set up NetAnim: sudo apt install qt5-default.
- Generate XML traces and envision with:
AnimationInterface anim(“iiot-network.xml”);
- Custom Plots:
- Parse and envision the performance parameters for custom plots utilising Python or MATLAB tools.
- Optimize and Extend
- Optimize Performance:
- Give precedence to critical IIoT traffic leveraging Quality of Service (QoS).
- Routing protocols are enhanced for low latency and high reliability.
- Security:
- Replicate the secure interaction to utilize encryption libraries such as TLS.
- Advanced Features:
- Add machine learning which is used for predictive maintenance.
- Incorporate fault-tolerant approaches for managing the device failures.
Example Use Cases
- Smart Factories: Replicate the automated machinery interaction in smart factory.
- Energy Monitoring: IIoT supports to observe the energy consumption within industrial plants.
- Logistics: IIoT helps for pursuing goods within real-time.
We had provided insights into Industrial Internet of Things, which were executed and implemented using a basic procedure in NS3. Also, we can explore further regarding this topic in upcoming guide.