How do I Start Ns3

            Through this article, we have provided the steps that are essential to start the process of network simulator 3.

Download ns-3.28

            As the first process, we have to download the packages based on ns3 simulator using the below mentioned URL.


Downloading Ns-3.28

Install ns-3.28

       Next, we have execute the below mentioned commands to install the ns-3.28 packages which are downloaded already.

cd /home/research/ns-allinone-3.28/

sudo ./

Configure Ns-3.28

        Accordingly, the commands that are highlighted below are implemented to configure the ns-3.28 packages.

cd /home/research/ns-allinone-3.28/ns-3.28

sudo ./waf configure

Start Ns-3.28

       Finally, we have to start the packages based on ns-3.28 over the execution of the below mentioned commands and the result also highlighted.

sudo ./waf

Start to Run Ns3 Packages
Result of the Ns3 Execution

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