How do I Run Ns3

               This article “how do I run Ns3” is considered as the depiction of step by step processes that are required to run the network simulator 3.

Download Ns-3.17

             As the first process, the packages based on network simulator 3 are downloaded through the utilization of the commands that are highlighted in the following.

hg clone

cd ns-3-allinone

./ -n ns-3.17

Downloading Ns-3.17

Install Ns-3.17

            Consequently, the below mentioned commands are implemented to install the ns-3.17 packages.

sudo ./

Run Main File

        At that moment, we have to run the simulation that is stored in the scratch folder through the implementation of the below mentioned command.

sudo ./waf –run MainSimulationFile –vis

Run Ns3 Main File

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