Computer Science Ad Hoc Projects

Architectural aspects in DMC:
We implement DMC architecture from Elsevier paper as:
There are three modes in DMC infrastructures:
Connected modes:
It provides fixed network connection is containing single global context determined by all host on network. Information can be accessed & shared by any point in network.
Disconnected mode:
It is an operational mode. It requires mobile working when information available in system cannot be obtained by disconnected mobile user.
Adhoc projects:
It build Adhoc network for collaboration and information exchange.

DMC (distributed & mobile collaborative system):
We provide workflow management system, business process model and groupware system for distributed mobile collaboration system it ensure a framework to process aware distributed and mobile teamwork. We require integrate process and workspace management with peer to peer middleware and user management.
Virtual project communities in DMC:
- Information sharing.
- Process composition.
- Process configuration.
- Process sharing.

Data sharing in virtual project communities:
It define persistent technology environment which support multiple interaction & multi user engagement.
Distributed searches & data delivery:
We describe resource in Meta data to ensure effectiveness of virtual project communities. Resources are document, users, communities and process provide powerful search for information in enterprise network.
Components of distributed & mobile collaborative system:
We developed more than 80+ projects in DCM architecture with following components are:
Peer to Peer middleware:
It provide infrastructure to support different mode connection.
It defines the kind of communication that happened between software components.
DMC architecture depends on specific business requirement & ranges from work flow which process to work space settings.
Architectural units:
- Application layer.
- Middleware layer.
- Service layer.
DMC architectural components:
- Process configuration.
- Distributed searches.
- Uses & community management.
- Process composition.
- Authentication & access control.
- Process configuration.
- Resource management.
- Publish/subscribe & distributed search.