Computer Network Projects for Students

Hierarchical hybrid adaptive routing:
We implement hierarchical hybrid adaptive routing in computer network for academic projects to reduce the routing database size by modifying dynamically organized nodes into hierarchically structured clusters. We share routing by routing hierarchy in which the algorithms maintain global routing optimally and local adaptive at same time. In this protocol, we can handle and reduce storage, maintenance communication and computation overhead.
Challenges in computer network:
Computer network routing is a non linear optimization problem with lot of condition and declares as NP complete problem. QOS metrics are affected by network performance. To achieve proper routing with optimized QOS metric we evaluate taboo search based algorithm by simulation.
Coal quality:
We use coal detection to regulate coal test and analysis which is derived from Springer papers. We implement detection management composed of set of procedure designed for coal testing. By this tech coal detection computer technology we can increase working efficiency of coal detection.
Virtual bus interface:
We provide computer network with memory mapped input and output a device which is connected to local bus pc. We upgrade network maintenance by application interface system. We provide application program interface as resource abstraction mechanism. We adopt reconfigurable hardware technology to perform autonomous network control with layer protocol. We adopt virtual us to create connection among application hardware & software in computer network device.
Internet applications:
We require high security data transmission for internet applications. We developed more than 80+ projects under internet applications. We provide network threaten application for development of internet. We require safely, network monitoring and information system security for efficient internet application. When security has enhanced in internet application then effective network transmission is withstand by computer networks. We deploy network security in internet application by firewall system engine. We ensure firewall with proper data among various applications over computer network.