Can I Run NS3 on Windows

                  Of course, all you guys are capable to run Ns3 on windows. Consequently, our experienced technical professionals are well qualified and ready to provide appropriate guidance. Without any delay, let’s see the steps that are required to run Ns3 on windows in the following.

Download and Install Cygwin

                  Initially, we have to download the setup files and that have been using link which is mentioned below,

Link to Download Cygwin

Ns3 Package Downloading

              As the second step, we have to download the Ns3 package and the following link is used to download it, Following that, the file is saved in “{System Root}/cygwin/home/hostname”.

Required Package Installation

              Subsequently, we have to change the location of package that is already stored in the home drive location through the implementation of following commands.

cd ns-allinone-3.26
./ —enable-examples –enable-tests
Installation of Ns-Allinone-3.26

Commands Execution

             After completing the location changing process the below mentioned commands have been implemented to build the ns3package.

cd ns-allinone-3.26/ns-3.26
./waf build
Build Ns-Allinone-3.26 Packages

Command Implementation

            While completing the package configuration, the following commands are executed to run the simulation.

sudo ./waf –run Main –vis
Run Ns3 Simulation

                 To this end, we hope that you guys have been realized that you are capable to run Ns3 on windows. If you have any issues while running this, please contact us and our team experts will guide you to get rid of the issue.