Best Network Simulator for Research are listed below, we have access to all simulators used in recent days. So contact us to get immediate Network Simulator online help from us, drop us a mail with your project details we will help you. For evaluating and examining various network protocols, configurations, and traffic trends without requiring realistic hardware, network simulators are employed. By emphasizing their major modules, assisted programming languages, and the topics they surpass while simulation, we describe few of the effective network simulators in an obvious manner:

  1. NS-2/NS-3
  • Modules: Among various network topologies, components for simulating network protocols, network traffic such as TCP, UDP, wireless and wired network protocols, routing methods, and multicast protocols are provided by both versions of NS (Network Simulator) like 2 and 3.
  • Programming Languages: For explaining novel components and protocols, C++ is utilized by NS-2. It also employs OTcl (Object-oriented Tool Command Language) for simulation scripting. Generally, for scripting, NS-3 utilizes Python and it is written in C++.
  • Topics: For educational study, NS-3 is employed in an extensive manner. An extensive scope of concepts from simple networking standards to innovative research topics such as WiMAX, LTE, Wi-Fi, VANETs (Vehicle Ad-hoc Networks), MANETs (Mobile Ad-hoc Networks), and IoT (Internet of Things) network simulations, could be encompassed.
  1. OMNeT++
  • Modules: Including components for simulating multiprocessors and some other hardware models, computer networks, general data processing models, and queuing networks, OMNeT++ is considered as a flexible, component-based simulation model. By means of its model libraries such as MIXIM for wireless and mobile simulations, INET for Internet-based simulations, and more, it is examined as extremely expandable.
  • Programming Languages: Based on C++ and NED (Network Description Language), OMNeT++ simulations are written which are considered as a modeling language for explaining network arrangement and topology in an explicit manner.
  • Topics: Especially, in verifying infrastructural models and simulating communication networks, protocols, multiprocessor and system-on-chip infrastructure, it is highly crucial.
  1. Mininet
  • Modules: The process of emulating Software-Defined Networking (SDN) platforms are concentrated by Mininet. Generally, complicated topologies with differing link features could be simulated through Mininet. It is capable of enabling the incorporation with numerous SDN controllers such as POX, OpenDaylight, and Ryu, as well as OpenFlow switches.
  • Programming Languages: Mininet is available for fast modeling and investigation. For scripting and developing conventional topologies, it employs Python.
  • Topics: With a concentration on exploring control plane performance, network computerization, and assessing network applications and strategies, it is employed for SDN investigation, training, and advancement.
  1. GNS3 (Graphical Network Simulator-3)
  • Modules: The simulation of complicated networks are enabled by GNS3. For offering a practicable network simulation platform, it contains the ability to simulate switches, firewalls, routers, and some other network devices from actual world suppliers such as HP, Cisco, and Juniper through incorporating with virtual machines.
  • Programming Languages: Python is utilized by GNS3 which is considered as a graphical front end. Along with different emulated and virtualized models which could employ various programming languages, it is incorporated.
  • Topics: For investigating network settings and arrangements, network certification training such as JNCIA, CCNA, CCNP, and assessing network implementations, GNS3 is perfect or ideal.
  1. Packet Tracer
  • Modules: A network simulation and visualization tool is defined as Cisco’s Packet Tracer. Typically, users are enabled to simulate packet flow, develop network topologies, and set up devices, through this tool.
  • Programming Languages: For automation, Packet Tracer employs a formal scripting language. Mainly, for topology design, it assists a basic drag-and-drop interface.
  • Topics: For instructing networking fundamentals, IoT arrangements, CCNA-level theories, and preliminary network safety approaches, it is employed in an extensive manner.

Which network simulator will be suitable for IoT based protocols like MQTT

There exist numerous network simulators, but some are considered as highly suitable for simulating IoT-based protocols. Some of the network simulators and tools which are more applicable for simulating IoT platforms and protocols such as MQTT are suggested by us:

  1. OMNeT++ with INET Framework

Appropriate for network study, OMNeT++ is defined as a component-based, flexible, openly available simulation platform. The adaptability of OMNeT++ through components such as the INET Framework succeeds to be a robust selection for simulating IoT settings, even though OMNeT++ does not focus on IoT and MQTT actually.

  • Appropriateness for IoT/MQTT: We could simulate different factors of IoT networks such as sensor networks, wireless communication, and energy utilization by means of the INET framework. By utilizing the assistance of OMNeT++ for inserting third-party code, we ought to execute the protocol particulars on our own or incorporate MQTT library, for MQTT simulation.
  • Advantages: For networking protocols and wireless platforms, OMNeT++ contains thorough simulation abilities. It is considered as extremely adaptable.
  1. NS-3

A discrete-event, openly available network simulator is NS-3. It is the one of the foremost simulators which is utilized in a widespread manner. Due to its elaborate simulation abilities for networking settings and protocols, it is highly prominent.

  • Appropriateness for IoT/MQTT: For simulating IoT and wireless networks, NS-3 contains suitable components. Typically, assistance for IEEE 802.15.4 which is employed in Zigbee and some other low-power IoT communication principles, LTE, and 6LoWPAN, that are significant for IoT could be encompassed. We should incorporate previous libraries or prolong NS-3 with conventional deployments, for MQTT or some other application layer protocols.
  • Advantages: For networking study, NS-3 offers widespread assistance. It is capable of enabling extensive physical layer simulation, and contains an effective committee.
  1. Contiki-NG and Cooja Simulator

For next generation IoT devices, Contiki-NG is an openly available operating system. It is appropriate for microcontrollers with constrained resources and is considered as extremely lightweight. The simulation of networks of Contiki-NG nodes are enabled by Contiki-NG which accompanies the Cooja Simulator.

  • Appropriateness for IoT/MQTT: The lightweight communication protocols which are appropriate for IoT are assisted by Contiki-NS. Complicated IoT networks could be simulated by the Cooja Simulator. The assistance for MQTT could be identified in developments or could be physically incorporated for certain projects, even though Contiki-NG has assistance for another prominent IoT protocol that is CoAP Constrained Application Protocol).
  • Advantages: Mainly, for IoT simulations, it is modelled. Generally, assistance for microcontroller-based devices and low-power wireless networks could be encompassed.
  1. Mosquitto

In the conventional meaning, it is not a network simulator. For assessing MQTT deployments in a networked platform, Mosquitto is utilized which is an openly available MQTT broker.

  • Appropriateness for IoT/MQTT: For evaluating IoT applications and devices in a more realistic configuration instead of a simulated one, it assists MQTT in a straight manner. In independent network assessments or to offer MQTT performance, it could be employed in combination with network simulators.
  • Advantages: Mosquitto enables actual world MQTT protocol assessment. As a means to configure for IoT models and proof-of-concept projects, it is examined as simple as well as lightweight.

Selecting the Right Simulator

On the basis of our particular project requirements, the selection of simulator is determined:

  • NS-3 or OMNeT++ could be highly appropriate for conventional protocol deployment or elaborate wireless communication simulation.
  • Contiki-NG with Cooja Simulator might be excellent for IoT-specific simulations that are mainly concentrating on low-power wireless networks and device activities.
  • Beneficial perceptions could be provided by incorporating Mosquitto with some other tools or simulations, for realistic MQTT protocol assessment within an IoT setting.

Through this article, we have explained a few of the efficient network simulators along with its crucial modules, the concepts they surpass while simulating, and assisted programming languages. Also, some network simulators and tools which are mainly appropriate for simulating IoT platforms and protocols such as MQTT are provided by us.

Best Network Simulator Projects

Best Network Simulator Projects for research which you can consider are shred by us, if you are struggling to get your Network Simulator reasech proposal we will help you. Get a Network Simulator topics aligned correctly.

  1. Routing and scheduling optimization for UAV assisted delivery system: A hybrid approach
  2. A mixed closed-open multi-depot routing and scheduling problem for homemade meal delivery incorporating drone and crowd-sourced fleet: A self-adaptive hyper-heuristic approach
  3. A dynamic routing protocol with payments for the Physical Internet: A simulation with learning agents
  4. Mixed multi-echelon location routing problem with differentiated intermediate depots
  5. Maritime location inventory routing problem for island supply chain network under periodic freight demand
  6. Segment routing for traffic engineering and effective recovery in low-earth orbit satellite constellations
  7. Resource allocation applied to flexible printed circuit routing based on constrained Delaunay triangulation
  8. An optimized routing scheme for congestion avoidance using mobile nodes in Wireless Sensor Network
  9. Evolutionary algorithm for vehicle routing for shared e-bicycle battery replacement and recycling
  10. NESEPRIN: A new scheme for energy-efficient permutation routing in IoT networks
  11. Reinforcement learning based dynamic distributed routing scheme for mega LEO satellite networks
  12. Rich arc routing problem in city logistics: Models and solution algorithms using a fluid queue-based time-dependent travel time representation
  13. Deep attention models with dimension-reduction and gate mechanisms for solving practical time-dependent vehicle routing problems
  14. Routing UAVs in landslides Monitoring: A neural network heuristic for team orienteering with mandatory visits
  15. Energy-efficient routing in LEO satellite networks for extending satellites lifetime
  16. Statistical traffic pattern for mixed torus topology and pathfinder based traffic and thermal aware routing protocol on NoC
  17. DRL-M4MR: An intelligent multicast routing approach based on DQN deep reinforcement learning in SDN
  18. Mathematical modeling of Vehicle Routing Problem in Omni-Channel retailing
  19. Stochastic optimization models for a home service routing and appointment scheduling problem with random travel and service times
  20. A Self-generated Chemotaxis-inspired routing method for digital microfluidic cooling of hotspots in integrated circuits