How to Begin Implement Network Load Balancing in NS3
To implement the network load balancing in ns-3 has involves the build a replicate which distributes the congestion evenly with different paths or servers. Here’s a step-by-step guide to begin:
Steps to Begin Implement Network Load Balancing in NS3
- Understand Load Balancing
- Objective: Export uses the network congestion for enhance the resource, minimize response time, and prevent the overloading many single resource.
- Common scenarios:
- Server load balancing: Traffic is distributed between the various servers.
- Network path load balancing: Congestion is distributed with several paths among the nodes.
- Set up ns-3
- Download and install ns-3.
- Build the project:
./waf configure –build-profile=debug –enable-examples –enable-tests
./waf build
- Test the setup:
./waf –run hello-simulator
- Select a Load Balancing Scenario
- Server-side Load Balancing: Transmit the client requests for multiple servers according to load-balancing procedures.
- Path-based Load Balancing: Use their several routes among source and destination nodes.
- Create a Simulation Script
Use a previous sample script for a framework instance scratch/ and alter the load balancing.
- Example: Server-side Load Balancing
- One client node.
- Multiple server nodes connected via a router.
- A load balancer are directs the node from congestion to servers.
- Set up topology:
NodeContainer client, servers, router;
servers.Create(2); // Two servers
- Configure links:
PointToPointHelper p2p;
p2p.SetDeviceAttribute(“DataRate”, StringValue(“10Mbps”));
p2p.SetChannelAttribute(“Delay”, StringValue(“2ms”));
NetDeviceContainer clientRouter = p2p.Install(client.Get(0), router.Get(0));
NetDeviceContainer routerServer1 = p2p.Install(router.Get(0), servers.Get(0));
NetDeviceContainer routerServer2 = p2p.Install(router.Get(0), servers.Get(1));
- Assign IPs:
Ipv4AddressHelper address;
address.SetBase(“”, “”);
Ipv4InterfaceContainer clientIface = address.Assign(clientRouter);
address.SetBase(“”, “”);
Ipv4InterfaceContainer server1Iface = address.Assign(routerServer1);
address.SetBase(“”, “”);
Ipv4InterfaceContainer server2Iface = address.Assign(routerServer2);
- Implement Load Balancer: Use a basic round-robin or hash-based procedures for sending the packets
void LoadBalancerCallback(Ptr<Socket> socket, Ptr<Packet> packet)
static int serverIndex = 0;
Ipv4Address serverAddress = (serverIndex % 2 == 0)
? server1Iface.GetAddress(1)
: server2Iface.GetAddress(1);
socket->SendTo(packet, 0, InetSocketAddress(serverAddress, 9));
- Connect the Load Balancer to the Router: Use the packet reception callback to direct packets.
Ptr<Socket> balancerSocket = Socket::CreateSocket(router.Get(0), TypeId::LookupByName(“ns3::UdpSocketFactory”));
- Example: Path-based Load Balancing
- The nodes contains the source and destination.
- Multiple paths among them.
- Set up topology:
NodeContainer nodes;
nodes.Create(4); // Node 0: Source, Node 3: Destination, Node 1-2: Intermediate nodes
- Add multiple paths:
PointToPointHelper p2p;
NetDeviceContainer d1 = p2p.Install(nodes.Get(0), nodes.Get(1));
NetDeviceContainer d2 = p2p.Install(nodes.Get(0), nodes.Get(2));
NetDeviceContainer d3 = p2p.Install(nodes.Get(1), nodes.Get(3));
NetDeviceContainer d4 = p2p.Install(nodes.Get(2), nodes.Get(3));
- Route packets based on load-balancing algorithm:
- Alter the routing tables are dynamically.
- Multipath is static for sample:
- Run and Test the Simulation
- Generate the process for a script:
./waf –run scratch/my-load-balancer
- Validate the performance of metrics such as throughput, latency, and packet loss.
This procedure has covered the overall demonstration which is essential to know before simulating the Network Load balancing projects into the simulation using ns3 tool. You can include their additional features into the simulation for future optimization.