How to Begin Implement IP Address Management in NS3

To begin implementing the IP Address Management (IPAM) within NS3 that encompasses to assign, monitor and handle the IP addresses in a simulated network for nodes and devices. It is essential to make sure those nodes contains unique and suitable IP addresses for enabling interaction.

Below is a common instruction to get started with executing IP Address Management in ns3:

Steps to Begin Implement IP Address Management in NS3

  1. Understand IP Address Management
  • Purpose: Allocate one-off IP addresses to nodes or interfaces within a network.
  • Key Aspects:
    • Subnet creation and management.
    • Automatic or manual allocation.
    • Preventing IP conflicts.
  • Common Mechanisms:
    • Dynamic IP Addressing for example using DHCP.
    • Static IP Addressing.
  1. Set Up ns-3
  • We should install and set up ns3:

./waf configure –build-profile=debug –enable-examples –enable-tests

./waf build

  • Confirm the installation by executing:

./waf –run hello-simulator

  1. Define IP Addressing Requirements
  • Network Topology: Define the topology with required nodes and subnets.
  • IP Allocation Strategy:
    • Dynamic (automatic assignment to utilize a simulation of DHCP).
    • Static (predefined IPs).
  1. Set Up a Basic Network

Make a basic network topology for experiment the IP address management.

Example: Basic Topology

#include “ns3/core-module.h”

#include “ns3/network-module.h”

#include “ns3/internet-module.h”

#include “ns3/point-to-point-module.h”

#include “ns3/applications-module.h”

using namespace ns3;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])



// Create nodes

NodeContainer nodes;

nodes.Create(3); // Node 0: Client, Node 1: Router, Node 2: Server

// Configure point-to-point links

PointToPointHelper p2p;

p2p.SetDeviceAttribute(“DataRate”, StringValue(“10Mbps”));

p2p.SetChannelAttribute(“Delay”, StringValue(“2ms”));

// Install devices

NetDeviceContainer devices1 = p2p.Install(nodes.Get(0), nodes.Get(1)); // Client to Router

NetDeviceContainer devices2 = p2p.Install(nodes.Get(1), nodes.Get(2)); // Router to Server

// Install Internet stack

InternetStackHelper stack;


// Assign IP addresses

Ipv4AddressHelper address;

address.SetBase(“”, “”);

Ipv4InterfaceContainer interfaces1 = address.Assign(devices1);

address.SetBase(“”, “”);

Ipv4InterfaceContainer interfaces2 = address.Assign(devices2);

// Configure routing


// Run simulation



return 0;


  1. Implement Static IP Addressing
  • For all interfaces, we can predefine IP addresses.
  • Allocate certain ranges to subnets with the support of Ipv4AddressHelper.

Example: Static IP Assignment

address.SetBase(“”, “”);

Ipv4InterfaceContainer staticInterfaces = address.Assign(devices1);

  1. Implement Dynamic IP Addressing (Simulating DHCP)
  • Mimic a simple DHCP server for active IP addresses allocation.

DHCP Simulation Example

  1. DHCP Server:
    • Make a DHCP server node, which assigns IPs from a pool.

class DhcpServer



DhcpServer(Ipv4Address start, Ipv4Address end)


m_nextAddress = start;

m_endAddress = end;


Ipv4Address Allocate()


if (m_nextAddress <= m_endAddress)


Ipv4Address assigned = m_nextAddress;

m_nextAddress.Set(m_nextAddress.Get() + 1);

return assigned;




NS_LOG_UNCOND(“DHCP Pool Exhausted”);

return Ipv4Address(“”);




Ipv4Address m_nextAddress;

Ipv4Address m_endAddress;


  1. Client Request Simulation:
    • Replicate the clients which are demanding IPs from the DHCP server.

void RequestIp(DhcpServer &dhcp)


Ipv4Address ip = dhcp.Allocate();

if (ip != Ipv4Address(“”))


NS_LOG_UNCOND(“Allocated IP: ” << ip);



  1. Integrate DHCP in Simulation:
    • Set the DHCP server in simulation and replicate the IP allocation.

DhcpServer dhcp(Ipv4Address(“”), Ipv4Address(“”));

RequestIp(dhcp); // Allocate an IP to the first client

RequestIp(dhcp); // Allocate an IP to the second client

  1. Simulate Subnetting
  • Split the network to numerous subnets with the support of Ipv4AddressHelper.

Example: Multiple Subnets

address.SetBase(“”, “”); // Subnet 1

Ipv4InterfaceContainer subnet1Interfaces = address.Assign(devices1);

address.SetBase(“”, “”); // Subnet 2

Ipv4InterfaceContainer subnet2Interfaces = address.Assign(devices2);

  1. Monitor IP Address Usage
  • Record allocated IPs for auditing and identifying conflict.

Example: IP Allocation Logging

void LogIpAssignments(const Ipv4InterfaceContainer &interfaces)


for (uint32_t i = 0; i < interfaces.GetN(); ++i)


NS_LOG_UNCOND(“Node ” << i << ” assigned IP: ” << interfaces.GetAddress(i));



Request the function:



  1. Run and Test
  • Construct the script and run the simulation:

./waf –run scratch/ip-address-management

  • Confirm IP assignments within records or outcomes.
  1. Enhance IP Address Management
  • Integrate:
    • Conflict Detection: Verify duplicate IPs for identifying conflict.
    • Lease Mechanisms: Mimic IP leasing including expiration.
    • DHCP Options: Add more set up like gateway, DNS.
  • Envision IP assignments and subnet usage to leverage external tools in NS3.

We had shared substantial insights and a basic implementation strategy with examples for executing and enhancing the IP Address Management utilising NS3 environment. Further explanations can be provided upon request.