How to Begin Implement Network Coverage Time in NS3
To implement network coverage time in NS3, we will describe the meant for coverage in the detailed use case and configure the replication of compute the duration through that node or zones are enclosed through the network. Under are the comprehensive steps:
Steps to Implement Network Coverage Time in NS3
- Understand Network Coverage Time
- Definition: Network coverage times suggest to the duration for detailed zone or a node in the transmission range for one or more nodes.
- Key Elements:
- Transmission Range: Describe through the broadcast model.
- Mobility Models: Dynamic environment used the replication.
- Nodes or Areas of Interest: whether we are defined investigate an individual nodes or a geographic area.
- Set Up the NS3 Environment
- Install NS3:
- Enable the NS3 is installed and ready to use. We can download it from the NS3 official website.
- Choose a Base Script:
- We can open by the existing sample such as or build a new script for the replication environment.
- Define the Coverage Logic
- Set Transmission Range:
- Use the Propagation Loss Model for instance RangePropagationLossModel and we describe the maximum transmission range.
Ptr<RangePropagationLossModel> rangeLossModel = CreateObject<RangePropagationLossModel>();
rangeLossModel->SetAttribute(“MaxRange”, DoubleValue(100.0)); // 100 meters
- Check Node Coverage:
- Evaluate the distance among nodes using their mobility locations.
Vector positionA = nodeA->GetObject<MobilityModel>()->GetPosition();
Vector positionB = nodeB->GetObject<MobilityModel>()->GetPosition();
double distance = CalculateDistance(positionA, positionB);
if (distance <= maxRange) {
// Node B is within Node A’s coverage
- Measure Coverage Time:
- Use the tool NS3’s Simulator::Schedule to periodically has validate the coverage status for nodes or zones.
- Monitor Coverage Over Time
Make a function to test the metrices for coverage status periodically.
void MonitorCoverage(Ptr<Node> nodeA, Ptr<Node> nodeB, double maxRange, Time interval) {
Vector positionA = nodeA->GetObject<MobilityModel>()->GetPosition();
Vector positionB = nodeB->GetObject<MobilityModel>()->GetPosition();
double distance = CalculateDistance(positionA, positionB);
if (distance <= maxRange) {
NS_LOG_UNCOND(Simulator::Now().GetSeconds() << “s: Node ” << nodeB->GetId()
<< ” is covered by Node ” << nodeA->GetId());
} else {
NS_LOG_UNCOND(Simulator::Now().GetSeconds() << “s: Node ” << nodeB->GetId()
<< ” is NOT covered by Node ” << nodeA->GetId());
// Reschedule the function
Simulator::Schedule(interval, &MonitorCoverage, nodeA, nodeB, maxRange, interval);
- Example Implementation
Here is a sample for NS3 environment script which estimates the network coverage duration for two nodes:
#include “ns3/core-module.h”
#include “ns3/network-module.h”
#include “ns3/mobility-module.h”
#include “ns3/wifi-module.h”
using namespace ns3;
void MonitorCoverage(Ptr<Node> nodeA, Ptr<Node> nodeB, double maxRange, Time interval) {
Vector positionA = nodeA->GetObject<MobilityModel>()->GetPosition();
Vector positionB = nodeB->GetObject<MobilityModel>()->GetPosition();
double distance = CalculateDistance(positionA, positionB);
if (distance <= maxRange) {
NS_LOG_UNCOND(Simulator::Now().GetSeconds() << “s: Node ” << nodeB->GetId()
<< ” is covered by Node ” << nodeA->GetId());
} else {
NS_LOG_UNCOND(Simulator::Now().GetSeconds() << “s: Node ” << nodeB->GetId()
<< ” is NOT covered by Node ” << nodeA->GetId());
// Reschedule the function
Simulator::Schedule(interval, &MonitorCoverage, nodeA, nodeB, maxRange, interval);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
CommandLine cmd;
cmd.Parse(argc, argv);
NodeContainer nodes;
// Set mobility for nodes
MobilityHelper mobility;
// Set node positions
nodes.Get(0)->GetObject<MobilityModel>()->SetPosition(Vector(0, 0, 0)); // Node A at origin
nodes.Get(1)->GetObject<MobilityModel>()->SetPosition(Vector(50, 0, 0)); // Node B at (50, 0)
double maxRange = 100.0; // Transmission range in meters
Time interval = Seconds(1.0); // Check coverage every 1 second
Simulator::Schedule(interval, &MonitorCoverage, nodes.Get(0), nodes.Get(1), maxRange, interval);
return 0;
- Run the Simulation
- Generate the replication of script:
./waf –run “your-script-name”
- Follow on the logs to view after Node B is covered by Node A.
- Analyze Results
- Use the metrices for compute the complete coverage time.
- If required, write the outcomes for a file for more study using the tool such as MATLAB or Excel.
Advanced Extensions
- Dynamic Scenarios:
- Improve the mobility models such as RandomWaypointMobilityModel for study the dynamic coverage.
- Coverage of Areas:
- Use a grid-based method for test the coverage of geographic areas.
- Multiple Nodes:
- Encompass the script for mange the several nodes and compute the aggregate coverage time.
- Energy-Aware Coverage:
- Associate by the Energy Framework for estimate the effect of node coverage on energy usage.
We discussed the basic knowledge about how to implement the network coverage time in ns3 framework and in addition we suggest the deliver all kinds of network coverage time that perform in diver simulation scenarios.