How to Begin Implementing a 5G Network projects using ns3

To stimulate an estimation of 5G Network project using NS3 has includes the leveraging NS3’s LTE and mmWave components for replicate the 5G communication environment. Below is a detailed step-by-step guide to help you start your project.

Steps to Begin Implementing a 5G Network projects using ns3

Step 1: Understand 5G Network Concepts

  1. Learn Key 5G Features:
    • Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communication (URLLC).
    • Enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB).
    • Massive Machine-Type Communication (mMTC).
  2. 5G Components:
    • User Equipment (UE).
    • gNodeB such as 5G base station.
    • Core network like as AMF, UPF.
  3. Understand Metrics:
    • It delivers the metrices for throughput, latency, jitter, packet delivery ratio, and energy efficiency.

Step 2: Install NS3 and Necessary Modules

  1. Download NS3:
  2. Install mmWave Modules:
    • NS3’s LTE component contains the characteristics for 4G and can be encompass by mmWave for 5G replication.
    • Download mmWave extensions:
  3. Verify Installation:
    • Process for the simple scripts from LTE and mmWave components to confirm functionality.

Step 3: Plan the 5G Network Design

  1. Network Topology:
    • Describe the layout for gNodeBs and UEs:
      • Single cell, multi-cell, or dense urban environments.
  2. Communication Scenarios:
    • The eMBB aimed at high data rates.
    • It offers the URLLC are intended for low latency and reliability.
    • It delivers the mMTC designed for massive IoT device connections.
  3. Frequency Band:
    • Sub-6 GHz such as LTE evolution.
    • mmWave like as 28 GHz, 60 GHz.
  4. Performance Metrics:
    • Choose the calculate for performance of metrics:
      • Latency, throughput, SINR, energy consumption.

Step 4: Implement the 5G Network

  1. Create Nodes:
    • It use the built a NodeContainer for generate the UEs and gNodeBs.
  2. Configure gNodeBs and UEs:
    • Configure the physical (PHY) and Medium Access Control (MAC) layers using the mmWave module.
  3. Configure Channels:
    • Use the mmWave channel models for broadcast:
      • Urban macro/micro.
      • Line-of-Sight (LOS) or Non-Line-of-Sight (NLOS).
  4. Install Internet Protocol Stack:
    • It uses the install process for InternetStackHelper the IP stack setting.
  5. Traffic Generation:
    • It can use the built an applications for replicate a congestion designs for sample video streaming, IoT data.

Step 5: Add Mobility

  1. Set Mobility Models:
    • Use the model MobilityHelper for replicate the fixed or action UEs.
    • Examples:
      • Random Waypoint Mobility.
      • Pedestrian or vehicular speeds.
  2. Handover Mechanisms:
    • Replicate the handovers among the gNodeBs as UEs move.

Step 6: Run and Trace the Simulation

  1. Set Simulation Time:
    • Use Simulator::Stop() for describe duration of replication.
  2. Enable Tracing:
    • Use:
      • AsciiTrace and PcapTrace for packet-level tracing.
      • FlowMonitor for flow-level metrics like throughput and delay.
  3. Run the Simulation:
    • Implement the script using the ./waf command.

Step 7: Analyze and Visualize Results

  1. Collect Data:
    • Excerpt the logs for throughput, latency, SINR, and other metrics.
  2. Visualize Network:
    • Use the tool NetAnim or MATLAB/Python for envision.
  3. Optimize Parameters:
    • Alter the antenna setting, bandwidth, or mobility models for examine the performance trade-offs.

Step 8: Document and Present

  1. Document Results:
    • It offers the record network setting, set-up, and observations.
  2. Prepare Visualizations:
    • It build envision for graphs, tables, and charts for presentation.

Example NS3 Script for 5G Simulation

Simple 5G Network Using mmWave

#include “ns3/core-module.h”

#include “ns3/network-module.h”

#include “ns3/internet-module.h”

#include “ns3/mmwave-module.h”

#include “ns3/mobility-module.h”

using namespace ns3;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

// Step 1: Create nodes

NodeContainer gNodeB, ueNodes;

gNodeB.Create(1);  // 1 gNodeB

ueNodes.Create(2); // 2 UEs


// Step 2: Configure mmWave channel and devices

Ptr<MmWaveHelper> mmwaveHelper = CreateObject<MmWaveHelper>();



NetDeviceContainer gNodeBDevices = mmwaveHelper->InstallEnbDevice(gNodeB);

NetDeviceContainer ueDevices = mmwaveHelper->InstallUeDevice(ueNodes);


// Step 3: Configure mobility

MobilityHelper mobility;





“X”, StringValue(“0|100”),

“Y”, StringValue(“0|100”));


“Mode”, StringValue(“Time”),

“Time”, StringValue(“2s”),

“Speed”, StringValue(“ns3::UniformRandomVariable[Min=1.0|Max=3.0]”),

“Bounds”, StringValue(“0|100|0|100”));



// Step 4: Install Internet stack

InternetStackHelper internet;



Ipv4AddressHelper ipv4;

ipv4.SetBase(“”, “”);




// Step 5: Configure traffic applications

uint16_t dlPort = 1234;

ApplicationContainer clientApps, serverApps;


UdpServerHelper dlServer(dlPort);



UdpClientHelper dlClient(ipv4.Assign(gNodeBDevices).GetAddress(0), dlPort);

dlClient.SetAttribute(“Interval”, TimeValue(MilliSeconds(10)));

dlClient.SetAttribute(“MaxPackets”, UintegerValue(1000));









// Step 6: Run the simulation





return 0;


5G Project Ideas

  1. Performance Analysis:
    • Associate the performance of throughput, latency, and reliability between 4G and 5G networks.
  2. Handover Optimization:
    • Handovers are replicating the dense urban environment.
  3. QoS Management:
    • Examine the QoS for eMBB, URLLC, and mMTC traffic.
  4. Beamforming:
    • Execute and estimate the beamforming methods in mmWave bands.
  5. IoT Integration:
    • It replicates the massive IoT connectivity for 5G mMTC environment.

Tools and Resources

  • Visualization:
    • NetAnim: Real-time envision for node locations and congestion.
    • MATLAB/Python: It examines the Post-simulation.
  • Modules:
    • The extensions are NS3 LTE and mmWave.
  • Research Papers:
    • Examine the 5G replication for procedures and applications in the inspiration.

We explain the complete procedures that will able to implement the 5G Network in ns3 simulator that has to create the node and build a performance metrices. Any doubts regarding this project will be explained in an additional manual.